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How the Lopos system works?
By installing a beacon on the forklift and providing the pedestrian with a wearable, the Lopos Proximity Warning System will measure the distance between the pedestrian and the forklift 10 times a second using ultrawideband technology. It will use its internal algorithm to alert the driver and pedestrian to a potential incident, reducing near misses and accidents. By constantly monitoring the position of the forklift and pedestrian, the Lopos Proximity Warning System can alert drivers and pedestrians of their presence. This enables the driver and pedestrian to stop and look for each other and ensure they are clear before proceeding, reducing or eliminating potential incidents.
How can you use the Lopos System?
The Lopos system extends beyond a mere pedestrian warning system. The PWS is capable of providing alerts not only for pedestrian safety but also for various other critical scenarios, including warnings for forklifts approaching pedestrians, interactions between forklifts, and potential collisions involving other vehicles such as boom lifts, order pickers, and other mobile machinery and equipment.